
Conflict Mitigation, Security, and National Cohesion

Forging Unity and Peaceful Coexistence

Conflict, Security, Radicalization, and National Cohesion: This program is dedicated to nurturing unity, stability, and social harmony while addressing multifaceted challenges including conflicts, security threats, radicalization, hate speech, negative ethnicity, and violent extremism. Its overarching goal is to mitigate social tensions, counteract radicalization and violent extremism, bridge divisions, and create resilient communities. Through a comprehensive range of activities, such as facilitating dialogues, promoting conflict resolution, countering hate speech, and fostering intergroup understanding, the program aims to build environments of peace and cohesiveness.

Importance: Addressing conflicts, security threats, radicalization, and negative ethnic narratives is pivotal for maintaining social stability, ensuring security, and cultivating an environment conducive to inclusive development.

Expected Results: By championing peace, social unity, and countering radicalization, this program seeks to achieve concrete outcomes such as the reduction of conflict incidents, strengthened social fabric, decreased hate speech, and enhanced prospects for sustainable development.


  • EFA Centre Building; Hse No 3 Sungura/Oluvimu Road, Next to Nairobi South hospital
  • info@education-forAfrica.org
  • 0112 983 408
  • 0208000375/6